Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Looking Too Deeply into Things;title;2

I've got to chime in (rant) on this article, this is absolutely ridiculous. Basically the meat of this article is that Resident Evil 5 encourages racism. Now me, you and everyone who watched the E3 trailer probably felt like it had shades of Black Hawk Down going but in the back of our minds we probably said to ourselves "man watch someone think this is racist". Well here we are with lots of commentary about how this game teaches children to kill Africans and other people of colored heritage. I am calling shenanigans on this, why?

Well for starters it's a videogame with an M rating. Apparently one of these commentators believes the game is marketed towards children, starting them young on the road of hate. Yet the game is M rated so if you can't read that on the package and buy it for your kids, well then it's the fault of the parents who don't listen to the Gamestop employees. I guess it's expected though, I mean I once sold a copy of Space Channel 5 to a young girl looking for a cool rhythm dance game only to have their grandparents try to have my head for selling "pornography" so I guess what the hell would I know about the ratings system?

I mean, just because you happen to kill a certain thing in a virtual reality scenario doesn't mean you would reproduce that action in real life (unless you're mentally disturbed). Does this mean I'm racist against everything that I happen to kill in a videogame? I better put down Monster Hunter then, I mean I've killed PLENTY of Yian Kut Ku and I'm sure that means I hate Wyverns a lot. I'd also suggest for all you World of Warcraft guys to stop killing Gnomes, you don't wanna be pulled into court for being insensitive to short people. For that matter, I apologize to every single mushroom I have EVER insulted because I liked to play Super Mario Bros. so much when I was 6 years old, I didn't realize the long term racial effects that game would have on my psyche.

Ridiculous? Well it seems everyone loves to find something in everything for the sake of finding things. Forget the fact that we've been mowing down zombies of all kinds including farm animals in movies, games and books for years NOW it's a problem to kill a zombie cause it's based in Africa? Oh and the best part is when one of the aforementioned commentators decides that Zombi-ism itself is a parallel to AIDs in real life and that is also linked to the African setting hence the...omg. I'm just gonna go kill some ninjas now, cause you know...I'm a self hating Asian...

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