Monday, August 13, 2007

Level 5 to the rescue!

Just recently I discover that my PS3 can do something more than merge into dark matter. I learned that I could actually make a Japanese PSN account without having to go through to much trouble, my PS3 a reason to do something other than upscale dvd's and play PS2 games.The first thing that went through my head was Japanese PS1 games, demos, videos!!!sweet Jesus scissors!! this is gonna be fun! Well for the most part I was right about the PS1 games, they had shit loads, 50 to be exact, Many of them were fighters and rpgeez. Next was the PS3 demo's, for the most part this section was sad, the Folksoul and BladeStorm demo's were the only exceptions(btw David Beckham's avatar is in BladeStorm I shit you not).Last was the Video's and the downloadable content. The content was obviously japanese and basically unusable to me (sorry no japanese oblivion high school Hime packs) and the video section I did not look at until today.

As I browsed through the first page of this section I noticed that most of the video's there were on the English PSN already, there I new that the rest of the video's probably weren't going to be anything special (aw shucks).As soon as I turned to second page I noticed right away a new video which stood out from the rest due to its busy steel looking picture box. It was a game made by Level 5 called Shirokishi Monogatari, this game I was familiar with cause most popular gaming sites have covered this under the name White knight Story, seriously this game didn't seem all that interesting at first, but believe me after watching this video on the PSN I was sold. This game has all the makings of an epic tale on a huge scale, its like a mesh of mechs, pirates, politics and huge ultraman bad guys!!(there's even one that looks like Cthulhu). The Graphics of course are phenomenal and the musical Jrock-pop that is played in the background is awesome and add's the element of hardcore chaos to the crazy battling thats taking place \m/>_<\m/. To all of you who own a PS3 get yourself a PSN japanese account(also sat speakers help) and check this game out cause its awesome, and don't go looking it up online because remember you wanna give your friends a good reason why there's a 600$ trashcan in you living room, and all though this promo video is sure as hell not a good enough reason, at least your moving toward the right direction in convincing them that you have a machine capable of playing good games......oh and at least you not folding =P

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