Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gundam 00 ep. 4 - Clear Your Airspace for This One...

Some quick thoughts about the latest in the only constant running post I can think of doing. First up, they introduced some new characters. Soma Peers here is my favorite, she's totally a cold hearted killing machine from some Uber Mensche (they really do use that term) facility. She's definitely dead by episode 35 I'd assume, hopefully they get her into something that can compete with Setsuna (inevitably she will be fighting it out with him). They also introduce some Princess of a random Middle Eastern style country. Seems like Relena Peacecraft again...only a lot wussier and not as ugly.

There are moments when the art drops and some moments when it's comparable to the first 2 episodes. I guess we're finally hitting that lull where the secondary art teams concentrate on the characters while all the "cool" MS action takes all the budget. It happens to the best of series but it's surprising that there haven't been many majorly flawed scenes yet. Kudos to HD anime.
Custom I want you on my shelf. Why does this show continue to show just how cool Graham is? Do they want us to like the "bad guys" that much? It seems counter intuitive to market the show to teen boys yet the most awesome character is the one most likely to die horribly as the series progresses. In the future I hope they don't just paint this as purely a black and white conflict but I'm pretty sure they will. Anyway, so's about an HG 1/100 Union Flag Graham Acre Custom? ^________________^

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