Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jumping the Shark, Art?

It's come to my attention along with my "brilliant" Photoshop skill displayed here that jumping the shark has become an art-form. Resident Evil : Extinction is a prime example. Most people would assume it jumped the shark after part 2 (Apocalypse) but it wasn't necessarily a bad movie. It wasn't good either but it simply continued the legacy of Matrix-kick-to-the-zombie-dog-face action. Now we get to Extinction...

Honestly be happy if you saved your money so that you can burn it on something else like downloading vulgar e-porn from a pay to play website. I can't tell if they were intentionally TRYING to make a mockery of the Resident Evil franchise or they were going for the "so bad it's good" phenomenon because quite frankly the guy who wrote this must have gotten the idea while pushing out an exceedingly large @#$% on the toilet. Yeah...that's exactly how I feel about this movie.

Which brings up the question about why they seem to make it a point to jump the shark with everything these days. You don't have a good movie franchise unless you jump the shark, that way everyone will realize that the first two might not have been nearly that bad. Yet they seem compelled to do it with any movie, even Spiderman. Part 3 wasn't terrible, but it did have some pretty spectacularly stupid moments ("Hey is that my daughter up there? Let's all stand around!"). Or look at the new slew of versus movies like Alien vs. Predator which potentially jumped the shark before it even got to the sequel which looks MILES away better than the first! At least it might wipe away nightmares of "Predator got a girlfriend" from part 1...ugh...

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