Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wii's got a Golden Ticket!!!

Capcom has fulfilled prophecy, the one that states "our annoucement this fall will make your heads explode!! for today it is Official......Monster Hunter 3 will be on the Wii.

My first impression was....HOLY SHIT!!!what about PS3, so I went to the official PS japan site only to discover that they had taken down everything that had to do with
MH3, could this mean wii exclusive!!!..only time will tell.

Naturally, upon discovering this, I got a bit upset....for about 10sec before I realised, JESUS!! this is going to be awesome!!!. The more you think about it, the more you begin to realise how much better the experience will be!!! Think about it!
Sword and Shield, Bow and Arrow, Shield and Lance, you get the Idea, it's completely revolutionary!!,it's what MH should be evolving to.
I remember a time when I used to play "Bust a Move(Groove) for ps1 and I thought to myself "this would be so much more awesome if it ahd a mat" and WAH LA! DDR began to rule not just the dance gaming industry but the entire Arcade industry as well. I thought same thing about Guitaroo man, awesome game but if it had a Gee-tar that would be magically fantastical!! Along came Guitar Hero and you know the rest.
Now it seems its Monster Hunter's turn to evolve, not graphic wise(god I wish) but experience wise( much better than having better graphics), and if you ask me, I think we're looking a the beginning of a beauful new experience.

I'm in no way a fanboy of Wii or Nintento, as a matter of fact if I ever see Yoshi or Bowser in MH3 Im gonna Tomahawk throw my Wiimote at Iwata and nunchuck capcom in the face for letting the shit happen, but I'm sure it won't come to that...right capcom? =)

Anyways, I'n the end I think having MH on Wii is the right move. Wii is fun, cheap and motivated by innovation. I love my PS3, it's a powerhouse, but its just flat out expensive and soon to be gimped. 360, another powerhouse and my favorite system at the moment had the least likely chance at scoring MH simply because japan hates the conglomerate devil that is Microsoft, the evil organization hell bent on ruling the world.

So guys I guess it's time to get off our lazy asses and pretend like we're slaying real fucking dragons here!!! I wonder how they'll make the fuckin horn work?? =P.

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