Saturday, July 21, 2007

Jigoku Shoujo and V3

You won't believe how much hate is inside of that girl there...

Jigoku Shoujo (literally meaning Hell Girl) is an anime that I've been watching lately. It's a little late to be talking about it now that it's been done with it's second season for a while but I never really got to seeing it all until just now. The actual premise is pretty horrifying. Imagine if somewhere in the world you can hate someone so much that you'd do anything to kill them without worry of the consequences. Now imagine that you happen to be having such malicious thoughts while browsing the internet and suddenly a website appears before you promising to seek your vengeance so long as you supply a name? There's a catch though, a pretty big one. If you go through with your revenge you too will be going straight to hell the day you die.

That's basically what this show is about, a girl who dishes out your beef when society has failed you. Though supposedly it's horrific the actual anime isn't very grotesque and keeps it fairly PG13. However, I would bet a real life Jigoku Shoujo would be terrifying as all hell (no pun intended). I mean think about it. This show patterns it's ideaology of jigoku (di yu to me) as a place of eternal suffering and they even mention Heaven at times so it kind of mixes the western and eastern looks at the after life. Do you really think that dying by ghostly spirits would encompass disappearing while a little girl shoots flowers (I am SO not kidding about that) at you? Though in one of the later episodes of Futakomori (season 2) you do get a peek at the scalded aftermath of a person who's just been boiled in a bloody red onsen. I would imagine a real life karmic revenge would entail something pretty gruesome, can't even imagine it.

It's a popular enough show that it spawned a manga now, there was a live action show too and rumors that a third season of the show will be airing (or at least a spin-off?). Speaking of the live action show...

"Darn those blasted NBA refs..."

Kazuki Kato shows up...AGAIN. He's like in everything I watch these days. I guess being a Kamen Rider isn't that time consuming, after all he's 2 different ones and now a servant for someone named HELL GIRL. And you thought you were busy?

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