Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Enough Said

Got this from the main World of Warcraft, fun times.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Music Games make the World go Crazy

So I spent some time today talking to various people about music games, especially in light of Guitar Hero's popularity and the popularity of mods for PC like Stepmania or Frets on Fire. One of those subjects was the topic of people translating their ingame success into real life skill. Most of the time it's pretty much a moot point to try jamming cause you think you're good at Guitar Hero. But I've seen at least one exception to the rule : Koreans. They are like the DDR dance masters. You can't Pump it Up more than they can :

Did they even look at the screen? Wth, this is crazy and there's a lot better videos out there of other digital dancers. Makes me start to question the theory, maybe I really can be hardass rocker because of Guitar Hero skill? Yeah right...

I am absolutely speechless... (a little mature)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pictures are worth a 1000 A-bombs...

Yeah, this should speak for itself about what happened to me this afternoon. Anyway I'm now on time shared use of my brother's uber PC until I buy a new monitor. Sad thing is I liked that 19 inch CRT, it had the nicest speakers too for a built in product. That 19 inch though came at a price, it was like 100 pounds (ok not literally but you know what I mean). I still managed to update my figures blog so take that monitor...killing...gods of...bad luck!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

It was destined to happen


Destined? Probably not but the 101st Master Grade Gundam offering by Bandai will in fact be the Destiny Gundam , now it can go along with the Jesus (Strike Freedom) Gundam. The prototype looks pretty good, I wonder how the colors will come out? That is a rather hefty price to pay though, I remember when these things hovered around the 3000 - 4000 yen mark. Now it seems 5000 is a standard price and so far aside from the new engineering on the pieces it only seems to net you an extra stand.

I still haven't even bought the MG Z Gundam 2.0 yet, aside from the fact that I have 3 untouched kits at home as well. Still it is an impressive rebound from the MG Turn A. It does deserve to be the 100th release but really...what could possibly go inside of the MG Turn A? After all these kits pride themselves on internal mechanics these days while the Turn A is a hollowed shell. It is somewhat sad however that Gunpla releases have been almost exclusively Gundam "hero-mech" or revised older releases lately. The days when Kampfer and Quebeley ruled the Gunpla shelf space seems over.

Kamen Rider Den-O 1/2 Mark


We're finally approaching the halfway mark of this year's tokusatsu fill in for the bug eyed series, Kamen Rider Den-O. Though the Japanese broadcast is a few episodes beyond this post, so far foreign fans have only been witness to at least 24 episodes unless you really like watching RAW videos and guess-timating what's going on. The story is progressing on a sort of monster of the week format as usual though each episode offers a tiny glimpse into the ongoing storyline.

New Forms
Thus far the Den-O Platform now has 4 different forms to fight in. The first form (Sword form) seems like the default 'sell every toy based on this' form, but surprisingly the series fits in quite a few chances for the other 3 forms to stand out. I think they juggle it pretty well here compared to other shows that seem to only show that they can do these sorts of things every once in a while (like Gundam SeeD).

Rod form and Axe form are pretty cool, but it seems Gun form is the strongest of all 4 forms currently available. Despite the childish attitude from Ryuutaros, Gun form seems to be quite destructive and even has a rainbow beam spam (like Gundam SeeD...again) that is an instant win button for the protagonist.

Other Riders
Another plot point that's ongoing in the show is the appearance now of the second Rider Zeronos. Zeronos has two forms, the Altair and Vega forms (named after constellations this time) and seems pretty cool. The main mystery behind this Rider however is why he seems to share the same name as Ryotaro's sister's lost fiancee. Of course this being a time travel story it might be quite obvious how they're connected or not at all. Apparently though Zeronos is limited in his henshin capacity by the amount of cards he has. Once they're all gone does it mean Zeronos too dissappears?

"Seems a little familiar..."

Wing Form
In preparation for the annual event of the double-feature film (with the current Ranger series), episodes 23 and 24 of Den-O focused on the character Sieg, an Imagin patterned off of the legendary Siegfried. Surprisingly Sieg has his own belt which he can use to henshin in Ryotaro's body to become Den-O Wing form. I actually really like this form, it's pretty neat looking even through Sieg's somewhat strange posturing. We only got to see a small glimpse of the true power of Wing form due to story reasons but this "1 time form" is making another appearance (so that means it's a 2 time form?) in the movie.

So with that we're left with a ton more questions. What is so special about Ryotaro? Is Hana's future truly gone forever? Who the heck is Zeronos really? Can the Den-O conductor finally finish his special flag treats right? Hmm...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hope for Phoenix Next Year

So everybody is talking about the Suns now in light of the referee scandal that is giving David Stern his own personal hell on earth. In question now is game 3 of the Suns-Spurs series that was plagued by the most inane officiating I had ever seen in a championship series. Talk about pouring salt on an open wound, this is like the nightmare you can't wake up from if you're a Suns fan. You can watch the video on Youtube, it's depressing to relive those moments. You also have to note that the bad calls came mostly from the referees that aren't under question by the FBI, so does that mean that they were all in cahoots? If it turns out that this isn't a 'rogue individual' like David Stern wants it to be, it's not the downfall of the NBA but you know that could open up a hellstorm that the league can't afford.

The question remains though, is the Spur's championship tainted? A part of me wants to think so just to make myself feel better, but it's still in the record books and unless they burn that book no one is going to see an asterisk next to it nor question it 10 years from now. Also, they were better than the Cavaliers, can't deny that at all. The Suns also aren't guaranteed a win simply because of a 7 game series. It's just sad that to me this year's championship wasn't decided by playing ball. Even if the Suns were to have lost in a 7 game series, Suns fans could go home with the thought that at least they went the distance. Now we've got rampant conspiracy theories resurfacing and even questioning of whether the Mavericks are the real 2006 champions. This is what happens when you create an almost totalitarian ruling about questioning the referees, one only needs to look at Duncan being chucked out of a game by Joey Crawford to realize that there is something terribly wrong with the officials in the game.

So why do I say there is hope for next year? No it's not because of Grant Hill, it's because hopefully this means Phoenix has something to prove. Playing with a chip on your shoulder and without any dignity left to lose is powerful. Hopefully Stern doesn't decide to fix games for them to win the playoffs next year, it'd be even bigger a travesty at that point to have the team you screwed sink just as low. The Spurs should also look to repeat and prove that they were the better team, after all it's really not fair to the Spurs at all to assume that they were somehow in on this or something.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Jigoku Shoujo and V3

You won't believe how much hate is inside of that girl there...

Jigoku Shoujo (literally meaning Hell Girl) is an anime that I've been watching lately. It's a little late to be talking about it now that it's been done with it's second season for a while but I never really got to seeing it all until just now. The actual premise is pretty horrifying. Imagine if somewhere in the world you can hate someone so much that you'd do anything to kill them without worry of the consequences. Now imagine that you happen to be having such malicious thoughts while browsing the internet and suddenly a website appears before you promising to seek your vengeance so long as you supply a name? There's a catch though, a pretty big one. If you go through with your revenge you too will be going straight to hell the day you die.

That's basically what this show is about, a girl who dishes out your beef when society has failed you. Though supposedly it's horrific the actual anime isn't very grotesque and keeps it fairly PG13. However, I would bet a real life Jigoku Shoujo would be terrifying as all hell (no pun intended). I mean think about it. This show patterns it's ideaology of jigoku (di yu to me) as a place of eternal suffering and they even mention Heaven at times so it kind of mixes the western and eastern looks at the after life. Do you really think that dying by ghostly spirits would encompass disappearing while a little girl shoots flowers (I am SO not kidding about that) at you? Though in one of the later episodes of Futakomori (season 2) you do get a peek at the scalded aftermath of a person who's just been boiled in a bloody red onsen. I would imagine a real life karmic revenge would entail something pretty gruesome, can't even imagine it.

It's a popular enough show that it spawned a manga now, there was a live action show too and rumors that a third season of the show will be airing (or at least a spin-off?). Speaking of the live action show...

"Darn those blasted NBA refs..."

Kazuki Kato shows up...AGAIN. He's like in everything I watch these days. I guess being a Kamen Rider isn't that time consuming, after all he's 2 different ones and now a servant for someone named HELL GIRL. And you thought you were busy?

Friday, July 20, 2007

Zombie Apocalypse Rating System

Today we're here to talk about a very important piece of information that everyone should know about : the Zombie Apocalypse Rating System. Many people are still quite confused as to the nature of this scale, what it means to you and how to effectively protect yourself in the future. Well in this new and informative series of posts, we'll be delving into the history of the Zombie Apocalypse Rating Index and perhaps provide some helpful tips to increase your chances of survival. From the classic Romero-type, to the Brain Cravers to even the Running-Ragers, prepare yourselves as we unlock the secrets of the past.

So how does the scale work? That is the first and most important question that anyone can ask. Well it's quite simple. The ZAR scale is a color coded scale similar to the current Terrorism scale utilized by the mass media. It is a five point scale ranging from Low to Inevitable. How the scale moves up and down along the color codes has yet to be revealed to the general public for National Security Reasons. Many scholars, scientists and speculations have pointed to many factors that might influence the scale such as strange natural weather patterns/disasters or even political hot topic issues such as the Presidential Election of 2000. Some have even noted that the scale itself scales according to (un)confirmed UFO sightings or supernatural events.

There are problems with the scale however that are in dire need of addressing. For one thing, the scale is only a prediction forecast. It has never been nor intended to be a true indication of the state of danger our society will eventually face. Also this scale does not take into account smaller outbreaks of Zombie(ism?) occurring in third world countries and unreported accounts of reanimation. One critic of the scale who wishes to go unnamed has lambasted the scale's ineffectiveness to ensure a proper alert for the common folk in case of a major pandemic. It is still however the only means by which the mass media can relate the state of danger to the local masses.

The ZAR scale has a long history obscured by Government agencies and National Security secrecy. The first known reported use of the system dates back to months after World War II during the Cold War era. With paranoia at an all time high due to the fear of mutual self destruction by nuclear weapons, the scale rating index may have actually come close to moving into the Medium territory. Government officials deny that the scale has ever moved up even once in the years since WWII ended but reportedly an article in a local Louisiana newspaper in 1947 stated otherwise. Who is telling the truth? We may never know as circumstances prevent us from locating the writer or his family of this news report and the New Orleans based newspaper has declined further comment. You can be the ones to decide :Declassification of government documents have in recent times brought the scale to light. As a measure to prevent any more speculation of the mysterious forecast system, it has been released to the public shortly after the Terrorism Alert Scale was introduced. However, the mass media and the Associated Press has declined to cover this important system for unknown reasons. All that is known now is the color index rating and this small piece of historical documentation which may or may not even exist.

Next Time : Tips and Tactics or "How not to be Lunch"

Thursday, July 19, 2007


thats as far as I go....no further....

In the Name of the King, WHY!?

Ok, I've got to get this out. How does he do it? HOW!? I mean seriously, how does he get these kinds of actors into his movies. Uwe Boll, you have the magic touch when it comes to getting actors. Those secrets need to be discovered cause this is like wow...

The truth is revealed...

Because EVERY internet blog needs a mention of J J Abram's fan-gasmic trailer that came with that movie about the robots, according to this picture it seems they've finally uncovered the truth behind "Cloverfield". Are you as shocked as I am? Probably even more so, but let's face it. Ever since it's advent in the American cultural spectrum, this day has been brewing for years like a boiling pot with it's lid on. What's worse is that the clues have been in front of us all this time, right in our faces...


The Zombie Apocalypse Rating Index remains : Low...but perhaps with this truth revealed, we are spiraling further towards the eventual destruction of mankind at the hands of the undead.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Guilty Gear 2 Overture, a sequal finally?


So according to the above it's not exactly a fighting game. It looks sorta like Dynasty Warriors according to the scans posted on the web so far. What I wanna know is, if this is just the Overture then where is the main piece?

Btw this morning there was a HUGE thunderstorm near my house. It sounded like it was hitting right next door. Because of this unprecedented event, the Zombie Apocalypse Rating Index was actually in danger of upgrading to medium. Yet as of now it remains : Low.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sexy Robots...only in Japan

"KOSMOS!! Tsuyoku nareru IT'S ALRIGHT!"
Ok, I know I'm always like super fanboy about Alter Co. LTD PVCs. They make really good stuff though but check this out. It's coming out in November (like they ever keep their release dates) and it costs a pseudo-wallet busting 7000+ yen, Ultraman Cosmos lyrics not included.


Have you got what it takes in High Society!?


This is like the greatest game in the world right now for those intellectually bored. Give it your best shot and see if you're the reigning Queen Bee of the bourgeois Court by slapping the taste out of the mouths of those high strung @#$%es like I did up there. Yeah that's right I AM better than you and you hit like a wench!

This does not however affect the Zombie Apocalypse rating index which is still : Low

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Space Gundam V?!

Ok...this speaks for itself. Is it really that hard to tell the difference between a Macross Valkyrie and a mobile suit Gundam?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Kamen Rider the Next movie!


Kamen Rider returns to the movies with this latest entry in the re-imagining of the original shows that started it all. This new movie just by looking at the poster will feature Kamen Rider V3, arguably the lead character of one of the most popular TV versions of Kamen Rider that ever came out. I only really knew about V3 from the various games I played for Super NES (namely the Great Battle series of beat 'em ups) but having seen some old clips on youtube, this guy seems pretty cool.

As with Hongo Takeshi and Ichimonji Hayato in the first film, this one will feature a younger version of Shiro Kazami. Kazuki Kaito will be playing Shiro this time around, previously he played Kazama Daisuke in Kamen Rider Kabuto so it's kind of a weird choice. It could definitely work however, he does look very cool in the suit. A small teaser trailer is available for viewing on the main site for KR: The Next and it doesn't show much though it's cool seeing Rider 1, 2 and V3 do their trademark poses. October 27th, 2007 is when this movie hits Japanese theaters, hopefully Media Blasters will release this as they have already released The First in America.

And for those of you who can't get the linked trailer working, here's a Youtubed version!

And for tomorrow's Zombie Apocalypse Index rating is : Low

I've got balls of steel..

I just found this video, its like the funniest shit! these mmo freaks crack me up >=D

Haruhi-ism, Figurines and Random tidbits.

Suzumiya Haruhi returns.


A bit late to be mentioning but where ever there's space, there's Haruhi. This just days after I received my Max Factory Haruhi after much hardship. I would say it is for now the penultimate Haruhi figure in existence. Unfortunately Max Factory deems it necessary to limit this creation to but a few thousand and thus only those few have been able to procure one. Perhaps it is best, after all there can only be so much Haruhi in this world. Which brings me to another point, why does everyone seem to make "Nurse" Mikuru or "Bunnygirl" Mikuru? What's wrong with "Maid" Mikuru who we see most of the time in the story?

Anyway, there still isn't an announced date but just the knowledge that it's in the works is enough for me. A new animated series, three separate video games for PSP, PS2 and Wii, a growing line of PVC merchandise and an obsessive Otaku NEET fanbase. This series has it all when it comes to "money in the bank". Overrated? Probably, even I can admit to that much. But I still find it fun due to the interactions of the characters. The novels were all pretty easy reads and the crazy time-line of events helps keep a certain interest level.

Alter Rolls Along.

Alter Co. makes some of the best PVC figures I've seen. I only own one of their products at the moment (their 1/8 scale Caren Ortensia) but the quality of their work is impressive. On their homepage http://www.alter-web.jp/ they've posted a new figure of a character named Donne Anonime. I don't really know what series she hails from but it's pretty impressive. I'd be a little worried about how this figure will hold up in the long run thanks to her single leg balancing act there.

Idolmasters go to the Beach!

Ok, this show is really stretching the boundaries of reality here. Girls who are Masters of giant robots known as Idols. They are peddling to the Japanese Otaku moe fetish to the extreme. It's a little baffling to me that they make an X-Box 360 idol simulator then the anime series is about battling asteroids and robots. Anyway, still I found that I do have a favorite idolmaster design : "baka ribbon". Her obsession with penguins and her seeming romance with her idol (yeah I just did write that) is just downright scary. But on the plus side, she makes a great PVC figure :


And for those of you who are inclined they do have Yukiho as well in case Haruka isn't your thing :


Gundamnit : Double "Oh Boy".

Over at Gunota they posted a translated interview with director of the new animated series Gundam 00 (pronounced "double oh" not zero zero), Seiji Mizushima. You can read the article yourself but for the most part this interview is starting to drain away my enthusiasm towards the franchise as a whole. I guess I knew that any new Gundam series would have the title mecha be positioned as an almost "indestructible force of nature" but it gets a little ridiculous after a couple of years of seeing that. The themes being used in here seem to be similar to those in Gundam Wing. Quite frankly, I find the idealism in those themes stretching the bounds of reason. I will still check it out probably, I was very surprised by Gundam SeeD after all (in a good way) and again in SeeD Destiny (in a horrific way) so who knows?

Zombie Apocalypse Rating Index is : Low

Friday, July 13, 2007

its almost over now!

I'm two weeks away from leaving my job and jumping back into the oceans of freelance comics, I can hardly wait ^_^ oh boy! So till that day sorry guys but I'll be holding back on any nutri-grain screams.

Zombie Apocalypse Forecast

Today's Zombie Apocalypse Index rating is : Low