Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Am Begging...BEGGING!!! For a Change...

The New York Knicks played in the first NBA game ever. Since then they've had a decent history as a professional team I would say. Hot in the late 80s-early 90s, the awesome beginning to the 70s with 2 championship banners. Well it's time to stop living in the pass. It's been. Since 1999. Seriously, how much worse could this team get!? Did you guys even see the Celtics game last night!? They were down at times by 50 points!! What is this!? FIBA in the '92 Olympics!? What the hell happened!? I thought that they were bad but this is just BAD...HORRIBLE...absolutely appalling!

To all those people that bought season tickets, jerseys, merchandise and bobble just wasted your money and you're probably banging your heads on the wall right now. I sympathize with you...actually no I don't. You should have stopped supporting this crap three years ago. I didn't watch much in the early years, not until LeBron got drafted anyway. In that time however I checked in with NY and I knew that there'd be hard times but how much can one take? This is bottom of the barrel for modern NBA teams. It doesn't matter that the Bulls have a worse record, the NY just SUCK. HARD.

There's a LeBron James jersey hanging in my room right now and damnit I now feel justified jumping ship at the 2003 draft. Everyone knows I used to be big on the Knicks. Hell I even had the damn Ewing's shoes, yeah those shoes. It's really sad that now that I'm out of school and finally decided to go to a real NBA game I can't because I'd just be paying the check for these losers representing this city. The hilarious thing is supposedly these guys are all capable of scoring in double figures and they couldn't even get 50 points till the last 4 minutes of the game. You might as well just get the Harlem Globe Trotters to play for them at this point, at least we'll be entertained by goofy antics and we wouldn't have to sit through Thomas looking lost and a whole team embarrassing themselves cause of the lack of leadership.

Oh man all I need is to hear Stephen A Smith on ESPN destroy this one tomorrow cause you KNOW he has something to say about this. I feel so bad for David Lee, Nate Robinson, Renaldo Balkman and the other young guys on this team...they should get themselves traded and out of this city before it ruins their careers. I was upset they traded Trevor Ariza to Orlando and though since then he's been traded again he is better off for it. Channing Frye is counting his blessings that he's in least he should.

PLEASE FIRE ISIAH THOMAS! Blow up this team and get rid of everyone, start from scratch. Even if we have scrubs and rookies playing, we can always use the excuse that we have a young team. It'd make everyone in NY feel better about themselves...seriously....PLEASE...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Sunday, November 18, 2007

funny stuff I tell you.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!?

I love zombie movies. They provide the perfect scenarios for what NOT to do during an immanent zombie pandemic. From farmhouses, shopping malls, army bases and even large suburban cities we find out all the follies of man as they fumble to survive when the most likely answers are usually the simple ones. And then there is the dark side of zombie movies as shown above. Enough said...

This is Super fucking metal!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Calling Infinity Ward, Your Servers SUCK!

Call of Duty 4 is an excellent shooter. Awesome storyline, great graphics, smooth least on the PC. We get to the consoles and massive issues arise when it comes to getting online to play the damn game. Though I'm not sure about it on the XBox 360 side of things, the PS3 version has just 1 horribly crippling problem. The gameplay itself is basically lagless but that's if you can get on the damn servers at all to play the game!

It's been 3 or 4 days now since the servers went wonky at Infinity Ward. Tons of gamers that purchased this game just to play online have been waiting out bogus Download Game Settings... messages and dropped connections. When you can actually play the game it usually takes a good 10 - 15 minutes before you can even get on. Surprisingly the SIXAXIS is not bad for aiming in the game. I thought it'd suck but so far I haven't had much of a problem with it. But it just goes to show that I would rather stick with the PC version at this point as I normally do with shooters. IF needs to shape up about the online servers soon or they're gonna lose a LOT of customers.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Jumping the Shark, Art?

It's come to my attention along with my "brilliant" Photoshop skill displayed here that jumping the shark has become an art-form. Resident Evil : Extinction is a prime example. Most people would assume it jumped the shark after part 2 (Apocalypse) but it wasn't necessarily a bad movie. It wasn't good either but it simply continued the legacy of Matrix-kick-to-the-zombie-dog-face action. Now we get to Extinction...

Honestly be happy if you saved your money so that you can burn it on something else like downloading vulgar e-porn from a pay to play website. I can't tell if they were intentionally TRYING to make a mockery of the Resident Evil franchise or they were going for the "so bad it's good" phenomenon because quite frankly the guy who wrote this must have gotten the idea while pushing out an exceedingly large @#$% on the toilet. Yeah...that's exactly how I feel about this movie.

Which brings up the question about why they seem to make it a point to jump the shark with everything these days. You don't have a good movie franchise unless you jump the shark, that way everyone will realize that the first two might not have been nearly that bad. Yet they seem compelled to do it with any movie, even Spiderman. Part 3 wasn't terrible, but it did have some pretty spectacularly stupid moments ("Hey is that my daughter up there? Let's all stand around!"). Or look at the new slew of versus movies like Alien vs. Predator which potentially jumped the shark before it even got to the sequel which looks MILES away better than the first! At least it might wipe away nightmares of "Predator got a girlfriend" from part 1...ugh...